General Announcements
- Jun 2023 -
Retroactive Requests for Extending Restricted Access Period of Thesis

To: Research Postgraduate Students/Taught Doctoral Students

Currently, a two-year “restricted access” is granted automatically to the final version of thesis submitted by a postgraduate student. Access to the table of contents and full text of the theses will be blocked during this period, after which the theses will be available for public access via the University specified e-theses repositories unless approval from the GCExCo is granted. Students may opt out of the “restricted access” if they wish to release their theses immediately for open access.


Despite the stipulated “restricted access” period, there have been retroactive applications for withholding thesis, after the CUHK Libraries and ProQuest would post the thesis on their portals upon the expiry of the embargo period. The Executive Committee of Graduate Council (GCExCo) held the view that retroactive applications should not be approved as the thesis has already been made public.  


In this regard, the GCExCo resolved at its Fourth Meeting (2022-23) held on 19 May 2023 that with immediate effect all requests for extending and modifying the restricted access period must be submitted in writing at least one month prior to the date the restriction shall lapse and failing which any retroactive applications for extending the expired restricted access period will not be considered.


The updated Code of Practice (Taught and Research Postgraduate Studies) and Postgraduate Student Handbook 2022-23 (VII-K) have been posted on the Graduate School website (GSO website > Students).


For enquiries, please contact GSO via Thank you for your attention.


June 2023