
1. Admission
2. Student card, OnePass password, change of personal particulars
3. Concurrent registration
4. Study period
5. Course selection
6. Leave of absence
7. Certification of studies/academic results
8. Visas/entry permits for non-local students
9. Tuition Waiver Scheme for Research Postgraduate (RPg) Students 

10. Study Plan and Progress Report

11. Graduation


2. Student card, OnePass password, change of personal particulars
2.1 Q. Where can I get my Student ID Card?
  A. If you have already fulfilled all admission condition(s) and completed the online registration, your Student ID Card will be ready to collect from your Admission Date (stated in your Admission Notification) at the CULink Card Centre. The Centre is located in the Wu Ho Man Yuen Building.

Before you go, please find out its opening hours at You may authorize a representative to collect it on your behalf. He/she should bring along the following documents:

1. An authorization letter downloaded at CU Link Card Centre
2. The representative's identity document (stated in your authorization letter)
3. A copy of your HKID copy (if you do not have a HKID card, please give a copy of the identity document you used to register with the Graduate School)
2.2 Q. I have moved recently. Whom should I inform to update my address details?

While you are studying, please update your addresses (home, correspondence, hostel or office addresses) and phone nos. via MyCUHK. For the update of your name, date of birth and nationality, please complete the "Application form for Change of Personal Particulars Record" on the GS Platform (Students) with your OnePass account. Your details will be updated within 3 working day.


After you graduate, please also update your contact details via MyCUHK. Please always keep us informed of your contact details as there will be important correspondence from the University, e.g., about collection of your graduation certificate.

2.3 Q. I have lost my OnePass password and cannot login the Internet services of the Graduate School. Could you please send me the password again?

OnePass accounts are administered by the Information Technology Service Centre (ITSC). The Graduate School does not keep any record of the OnePass passwords, which are personal and confidential. Please visit the Centre to request a copy of your account details, or submit your request to the Centre via the service desk.

3. Concurrent registration
3.1 Q. Who should apply for concurrent registration?

If a student is registered simultaneously in another programme of study or research leading to the award of a degree, diploma or certificate either at this University or at any other tertiary institution, it is considered to be concurrent registration. Students, including those who are approved to take leave in the concurrent registration period, should submit an application for concurrent registration to the Graduate Division and Graduate School for approval. The application form can be downloaded from the 'Application Forms' section on the GS Platform (Students).


For newly admitted students, you may also download the form here


A student in breach of this regulation shall be required to discontinue studies at the University.

3.2 Q. When should I submit the application for concurrent registration?

As long as you are attending two programmes either at this University or at any other tertiary institution, you should submit the application to your Graduate Division as soon as possible.


For newly admitted students, you must submit the application before registration with this University. Registration will only be accepted if either concurrent registration is approved or you withdraw from the other programme. You may also consult the Graduate Division concerned for change of registration date, if necessary.

3.3 Q. What should I do if I have to extend the concurrent registration period?

You should submit an application before the end of the previous approved period to your Graduate Division for consideration and approval.

4. Study Period


4.1 Q. What is normative study period and maximum study period? When am I supposed to graduate?

Normative study period is the normal minimum period of study for a student to complete a programme according to the prescribed study scheme. Most students may graduate by the end of the normative study period. Hence, students' expected graduation date is also the normative study end date by default. Some students may be able to complete all requirements ahead of the end of normative study period. They can submit an application to their respective Graduate Division/Programme for shortening their normative study period (by one term or more) in order to graduate earlier, subject to the statutory minimum of 12 months for Master's programmes and 24 months for doctoral programmes. The students' ID card (i.e. CU Link Card) will become invalid after the new normative study end date stated in the approval letter.


On the other hand, some students may need more time to complete their studies for various reasons. In that case, they can submit an application form to their Graduate Division/Programme to extend their expected graduation date. Upon approval, they can renew their student ID card and continue to study as continuing students.


However, all students are required to complete their programmes within the maximum study period. Otherwise, they will be required to discontinue studies. Approval to continue study beyond the maximum study end date will be given only under very special circumstances.


Different programmes may have different normative and maximum study periods. For details, please refer to the section on 'Period of Study' of the 'General Regulations Governing Postgraduate Studies' which can be accessed either through the 'Postgraduate Student Handbook' section of the Graduate School website or the GS Platform (Students). Students may also check their respective normative and maximum study end dates via CUSIS.

4.2 Q. If I need to apply for leave of absence, will the normative study period or maximum study period be affected?

For Research Postgraduate Students:
1. In-residence leave - Both the normative study end date and maximum study period will remain unchanged.
2. No-pay leave (for non-PGS holders) - Under normal circumstances, the normative study end date may be adjusted according to the approved leave period (provided that the leave period is more than three weeks). Maximum study period will remain unchanged.
3. No-pay leave (for PGS holders) - Under normal circumstances, the normative study end date may be adjusted according to the approved leave period (regardless of number of days taken). Maximum study period will remain unchanged.

For Taught Postgraduate Students:
The normative study period will be adjusted according to the approved leave period (i.e. one term or more). Maximum study period will remain unchanged.

6. Leave of absence
6.1 Q. I cannot attend classes in the next term. What should I do?

In case of illness necessitating absence exceeding three weeks, a student should submit an application together with a medical certificate signed by the Director of the University Health Service or a registered medical practitioner(s) to obtain endorsement from the Graduate Division concerned and permission from the Dean of the Graduate School (GS).


Leave of absence for non-medical reasons is limited to a maximum of one year in the first instance, and any extension is limited to one more year, beyond which no further extension will be granted, unless approval from the Graduate Council is obtained in special cases.

Owning to the nature of taught postgraduate programmes and that learning and teaching activities are organised in a term based fashion, leaves taken by TPg students will be recorded on the basis of a term.  For instance, a student taken a month off will be recorded as taken leave for the given term, if approved.


On the other hand, applications for leave of absence for non-medical reasons are handled as follows. A student who has been absent without approved leave of absence or who is in breach of the residence requirements for a continuous period exceeding one month will be considered as having withdrawn from studies.


i. Taught Postgraduate Students

Leave of Absence Approval Procedures
(a) Leave for 3 weeks to 1 year^ Graduate Division Head to approve
(b) Leave between 1 to 2 years^ 1. Graduate Division Head to endorse
2. Dean of the GS to approve
(c) Leave for more than 2 years^ 1. Graduate Division Head to endorse
2. GCExCo to approve

ii. Research Postgraduate Students

Leave of Absence Approval Procedures
(a) Leave for less than 3 weeks Graduate Division Head to approve
(b) Leave for 3 weeks to 2 years^ 1. Graduate Division Head to endorse
2. Dean of the GS to approve
(c) Leave for more than 2 years^ 1. Graduate Division Head to endorse
2. GCExCo to approve
(d) (i) Leave for PGS* holders - Conference leave
    (ii) Leave for PGS* holders - Others (except conference leave)
(i) Graduate Division Head to approve and report to GS
(ii) 1. Graduate Division Head to endorse
  2. Dean of the GS to approve


^ Leave of absence is limited to a maximum of one year in the first instance, and any extension is limited to a maximum of one more year, beyond which no further extension will be granted. However, in special cases, the Graduate Council may on the recommendation of the Graduate Division concerned grant a student extension of leave beyond the period stated above.


* PGS - Postgraduate Studentship.

6.2 Q. If I need to apply for leave of absence, will the normative study period or maximum study period be affected?

Please refer to the above Q4.2



6.3 Q. How can I submit leave application? Where can I download the leave application form?
  A. Starting from 25 November 2020, postgraduate students may submit leave application via CUSIS. Please login MyCUHK> CUSIS> Applications> Online Leave Application (PG). A User Guide for Students is available at GS Platform (Students)> Leave.
6.4 Q. I am a part-time taught postgraduate student who would like to take leave for a week due to job engagement. How can I submit leave application?
  A. In the case of a student taking a break from studies i.e. unable to attend classes or unable to respond to the programme requirements, a leave application should be submitted via the Online Leave Application System. Owning to the nature of the taught postgraduate programme and that learning and teaching activities are organised in a term-based fashion, leaves taken by students in taught postgraduate programmes will be recorded on the basis of a term. For instance, a student taken a week off will be recorded as taken a term off, if approved. Please refer to the User Guide for Students at GS Platform (Students)> Leave for the steps.
6.5 Q. I am a research postgraduate student who would like to take in-residence leave to attend conference overseas. How can I submit leave application?
    Research Postgraduate Students may submit leave application via the Online Leave Application System. The maximum period allowed is up to 3 days plus the conference period for each application. Please refer to the User Guide for Students at GS Platform (Students)> Leave for the steps.

7. Certification of studies/academic results 


7.1 Q.

I need to apply for a document to certify my studies. What kind of documents can I apply for?


There are 4 kinds of certification you can choose according to different purposes.


1. Transcript states your personal data, programme, courses taken with course titles, number of units, GPAs and grades. If you are a graduate, it will also state the degree awarded and the date of conferment. Current students can print theirs from CUSIS. For details of the CUSIS function, please refer to the computer-based training modules.


2. Certifying letter states your personal data and certifies your academic status. It will reflect as to whether Senate has approved the relevant academic awards and the letter will also state that i) the award certificate will be issued in due course or ii) the award certificate was issued in [the month and year concerned], whichever applicable.  Full-time non-local students who want to apply for IANG visa should apply for the certifying letter specifically for this purpose.


3. Report on Curriculum Details gives your study scheme and descriptions of the courses you have taken.


4. Certified true copy of the graduate certificate - this is only available after you graduate and you must present the original graduation certificate to us in person (or by a representative) for our certification.


For application details, click here. Please note:


Transcript: Requests for stating when the Graduate Certificate was issued (in [Month] [Year]) on the transcripts will be handled after the above specified date.  The transcript will be available 7-10 working days after respective degree conferment dates. For example, transcripts for the degree conferred on 31 July will be available around 9-14 August*.


Certifying letter: Requests for stating both the Senate approval date and graduate certificate issue date on the certifying letters will be handled after the above specified dates.  The letter will be available 7-10 working days after respective degree conferment dates. For example, letters for the degree conferred on 31 July will be available around 9-14 August*.


* It is important to note that the Senate approval of the graduation status of the student concerned and when the Graduate Certificate was issued will not be stated on the certifying letter/transcript before it has actually taken place, which will take approximately two months counting from the date the concerned student has completed all graduation requirements (i.e. after the release of grades for courses taken). Please refer to for information about the workflow of graduation assessment. 

7.2 Q.

I chose credit card to settle payment for the online application of transcript/certifying letter/report on curriculum details but found that the payment was not successful. What can I do?


You can go to “View your application” via Online Application for Official Documents and arrange to settle the payment by credit card again.

7.3 Q.

When and where will I receive grades for my courses?


Course grades are released according to the schedule for releasing grades posted in the section ‘Academic Results’ on the GS Platform (Students). Please view your academic results after the grade release date by following the path: MyCUHK > CUSIS and My Study > View My Grades and select the corresponding academic term. You may also print an unofficial transcript for your record and reference.

7.4 Q. What should I do if I want to lodge a grade appeal?

If you wish to lodge an appeal on the grade of a particular course, please approach the teacher concerned within two weeks from the date of release of the grade in question. No late application is accepted.

7.5 Q.

I should be able to complete the graduation requirements around the expiry date of my student ID card but some of my classmates may not be able to do so. When will we be informed of our status?


Students are assessed for graduation according to their expected graduation dates or as requested by their programmes. Upon completion of the graduation assessment and formal endorsement procedures by the Graduate Division of the programme and the Graduate Council, the Graduate School will send by registered mail a full transcript and a certifying letter to students who are able to graduate.


Students who are unable to graduate will also be informed of the result of graduation assessment accordingly. Students who are required to continue with their studies will be asked to renew their student ID card and pay tuition fees (if required by the Programme concerned). Students may also refer to Section 10 for information on graduation process.

7.6 Q.

Why did I not receive the full transcript and certifying letter even though my graduation has been confirmed?


Upon completion of the graduation assessment and formal endorsement procedures by the Graduate Division of the programme and the Graduate Council, the Graduate School will send by registered mail a full transcript and a certifying letter to students who are able to graduate.


If you fail to receive it, please check if you have provided the updated correspondence address via CUSIS. It is student’s responsibility to keep the University informed of the change of contact information, e.g. address via CUSIS from time to time so that important correspondence from the University could be delivered to students timely.

7.7 Q.

When will I receive the graduation certificate?


The graduation certificate will only be available after the conferment of degrees, on three specified dates in a calendar year namely, 31 March, 31 July, and 15 October. For details, please refer to here.

7.8 Q.

Can I request to receive the graduation certificate earlier?


Since the graduation certificate can only be available after the conferment of degrees, request to receive the graduation certificate earlier could not be entertained.

8. Visas/entry permits for non-local students

(For newly admitted students, you may visit


8.1 Q. I am a current non-local FULL-TIME student and my student visa/entry permit will soon expire. When and how can I renew my student visa to continue with my studies in Hong Kong?

For students who have studied in the programme for less than 6 years, you should submit an Application for Extension of Stay to the Immigration Department of HKSAR (IMMD) within 4 weeks before the expiry date of your student visa/entry permit. Besides completing the application form, you are also required to submit a certifying letter issued by the University to support your application. Please request for a certifying letter for extension of student visa/entry permit via our Request Official Documents System.


For students who have studied in the programme for 6 years or above, please contact IMMD directly at least 10 weeks before the expiry date of your student visa/entry permit. IMMD will advise you if a new student visa application is needed.


If IMMD suggests you to submit a new student visa application, please download and submit the completed Form ID995A (Sample of a duly completed Form ID995A) together with the supporting documents to us for handling. You should also settle the visa application fee by the payment methods listed in Q8.3. Please note that it normally takes at least 8 weeks to process a student visa application.


Upon IMMD approval, we will collect the newly issued visa label/entry permit and send it to you by courier according to your mailing address in CUSIS. Please check and make sure that your mailing address in CUSIS is valid so as not to delay the receipt of the new visa label.

8.2 Q. I am a current non-local PART-TIME student and my student visa/entry permit will soon expire. When and how can I renew my student visa to continue with my studies in Hong Kong?

Non-local students who are in possession of a part-time student visa/entry permit should apply afresh of a valid visa/entry permit by submitting the completed Form ID995A (Sample of a duly completed Form ID995A) together with the necessary supporting documents to the programme office at least 10 weeks before the expiry date of one’s existing visa/entry permit. You should also settle the visa application fee by the payment methods listed in Q.8.3. Please act in accordance with the timeline mentioned above.


Upon IMMD approval, we will collect the newly issued visa label/entry permit and send it to you by courier according to your mailing address in CUSIS. Please check and make sure that your mailing address in CUSIS is valid so as not to delay the receipt of the new visa label.

8.3 Q.

How can I settle the visa application fee?


You may settle the visa application fee by any of the payment methods listed below.

  • ATM Service
    ATM cardholders of HSBC, Hang Seng Bank or JETCO member banks may settle the visa application fee at these banks’ ATM by selecting the screen of CUHK and choosing bill type ‘02’ for payment. Please input the first seven digits of the student ID number for the bill account number.


  • Cheque/Bank Draft
    Applicants may send a personal cheque or bank draft made payable to “The Chinese University of Hong Kong” to the Graduate School.


  • EPS
    Applicants can make payment by EPS at the Graduate School Office when submitting the Form ID995A and the supporting documents.
8.4 Q.

When can I apply for Immigration Arrangements for Non-local Graduates (IANG) visa?


You may apply for IANG visa upon your fulfillment of the graduation requirements of the programme and Graduate Division’s endorsement of your graduation. For RPg students, you should have submitted the final version of your thesis.

8.5 Q. After completing the last course of the programme, how long will it take for the Graduate Division to endorse my graduation?

You may refer to our Graduation webpage for relevant details.

8.6 Q. What should I do after knowing that my Graduate Division has endorsed my graduation?

You may apply for a certifying letter from us to prove that you have already fulfilled the graduation requirements of the programme and will be recommended for award of the degree at a later date.


You may then submit this certifying letter to the Immigration Department of HKSAR together with the IANG visa application form and other supporting documents as stipulated by the Immigration Department of HKSAR.  Please visit the IANG webpage at the Immigration Department of HKSAR for relevant details.

8.7 Q. Normally, how long does it take to process my application for certifying letter for IANG visa application?
  A. It normally takes 5 working days upon receipt of Graduate Division’s endorsement of your graduation. Graduate Divisions will only endorse your graduation provided that you have successfully completed all requirements of the programme, or for RPg students have submitted the final version of your thesis.

9. Tuition Waiver Scheme for Research Postgraduate (RPg) Students


9.1 Q. I have an IANG visa. Am I eligible for the Tuition Waiver Scheme for Local Research Postgraduate (RPg) Students?

Students staying in Hong Kong holding any type of Hong Kong visas (including but not limited to student, dependent and IANG visa) or entry permit are not eligible for this Scheme.

9.2 Q. I am a current local full-time student receiving PGS offered by the University. Am I eligible for the Tuition Waiver Scheme for Local Research Postgraduate (RPg) Students?

Yes. Starting from the 2018-19 academic year, the tuition fee for the normative study period will be supported by the Scheme and waived by the University. Details on the financial arrangement will be announced in the first term of 2018-19.

9.3 Q. I am a current local full-time student in an MPhil programme and going to transfer to a PhD programme in the 2018-19 academic year. Am I eligible for the Tuition Waiver Scheme for Local Research Postgraduate (RPg) Students?

For MPhil students transferring to PhD programmes with effective on or after 1 August 2018, this Scheme covers the tuition fee for the normative study period of their PhD programmes.

9.4 Q. My tuition fee has been waived by the University, am I eligible for the Tuition Waiver Scheme for Local Research Postgraduate (RPg) Students?

Under the Scheme, the tuition of all eligible full-time local students enrolled in UGC-funded RPg programmes is waived. If the tuition fee of an RPg student has been fully waived, s/he will no longer be eligible for this Scheme. However, if the tuition fee has been partially waived, s/he is still entitled for the Scheme to cover the remaining part of the tuition fee.

9.5 Q. If I am a recipient of the Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme or any other scholarship, will my eligibility for the Tuition Waiver Scheme for Local Research Postgraduate (RPg) Students be affected?

Local recipients of the Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme or awardees of any other scholarship are still eligible for the Scheme to cover their tuition fees provided that the scholarships, awards or stipends do not cover tuition fees.

9.6 Q. I am a recipient of the Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme. Will I receive both, the CUHK Vice-Chancellor HKPFS Scholarship and the Tuition Waiver Scheme for Local Research Postgraduate (RPg) Students?

No. Local recipients of the Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme will be granted a tuition waiver for their normative study period by the Tuition Waiver Scheme for Local Research Postgraduate (RPg) Students. Non-local recipients of the Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme will receive the CUHK Vice-Chancellor HKPFS Scholarship to cover the tuition fee for their normative study period (applicable from the 2019-20 intake).